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A reproduction of three weeks in May 1970 is a project organised by NOVEL with Reading International.
Redundant as eyelids in absence of light
Studio for Propositional Cinema
As part of ‘A reproduction of three weeks in May 1970’, the billboard commission from Studio for Propositional Cinema uses public sites at OHOS and Crown Street in Reading to present hypothetical laws which determine the legal conditions taken from the dissembled opera project ‘Redundant as eyelids in absence of light’. Various elements from the libretto, set in a society in which all forms of language and interpersonal communication have been mitigated or eliminated, will be presented in various forms over the course of the project.
Composed in blank verse but filtered through the jargon of the archive, the screenplay, the legal system and the political speech, the libretto is the staged in various forms, such as publication, exhibition, and concert. For Reading, the text takes the form of six rules that will change periodically across public billboard sites from OHOS to Crown Street and Jackson’s Corner, Reading. Each text represents an attempt by the protagonists to relearn various communication tools such as image, sound, movement, textile, writing, and broadcasting, yearning for connections in a world where expressive and dialogic forms have been suppressed to the brink of being forgotten.
Studio for Propositional Cinema were inaugurated in 2013 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Recent and forthcoming monographic exhibitions and exhibition projects include Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach (2020), Fondazione Morra Grecco, Naples (2019), Kunsthalle St. Gallen (2018), Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover (2017), Swiss Institute, New York (2017), Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düssledorf (2016), Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (2016), Kunsthaus Bregenz (2016) and Mumok, Vienna (2015).
Find out more about A reproduction of three weeks in May 1970
Where to find us
This event is at 571 Oxford Road, Reading. Public transport is available from Reading town center and Reading station if you are visiting from elsewhere.